
Files needed for Tutorials

Tuto 1: Discrete time signal processing & introduction to GNU Radio


Syllabus of the tutorial and one GRC file demonstrating correlation based target detection as used in passive RADAR.

The aim of the tutorial is on the one hand to get new user of GNURadio companion used to the graphical interface, emphasize how GNURadio Companion can be used with synthetic signals for experimenting with concepts such as correlations and Hilbert transform, and finally switching from synthetic signals to real signals acquired from DVB-T receivers used as general purpose SDR source.


During the tutorial, we will assemble step by step such complex flowgraphs, illustrating the development strategy and emphasizing the need for keeping datarate consistent throughout the flowchart.

Tuto 2: Using CorteXlab for GNU Radio Tests


Tuto 3: Utilisation des tags

Sujet du tutorial tags pour l'ADS-B

Fichier de script python de décodage adsb.py et adsb_graphique.py 

Tuto 3: writing dedicated processing blocks

Lab text of tutorial OOT blocks  and some slides that explains more concepts

File oot-env.sh n needed to create blocs in your local directory

Python code for testing the new blcok "carre"

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